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Detroit Tank Arsenal Photos
Chrysler Post WWII M60 Patton
Tank Photos
Chrysler Post WWII M103 Heavy Tank Photos
Chrysler T23 Tank Photos
Chrysler Built Post-World War Two M103 Tank Photos
Newark Tank Arsenal
Newark, DE
1950- 2008
Rest in Peace.
This page added 11-30-2017.
Chrysler, along with Cadillac, Fisher Body,
and Ford made tanks for the US military after World War Two.
Chrysler stayed in the business the longest by producing all of the M60
tanks built, and many of the later M1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks.
Its first post WWII tank was the T43/M103 heavy tank armed with a 120mm
main gun which was produced in the newly built Newark, DE Chrysler Tank
Arsenal. This was not a government owned facility like the Warren,
MI Tank Arsenal that Chrysler operated during WWII. It appears
that by building this facility that Chrysler considered tanks to be a
viable future product line. However, only the M103, the
corresponding M51TRV, and later the M48 were built at the plant.
M60 production started at Newark, but then was moved back to the tank
arsenal in Warren, MI. Newark converted into a car assembly in
1957 plant and then closed and was razed in 2008. Today the
property is part of the University of Delaware campus.
All of the original 300
M43 heavy tanks were originally built with an AV-1790 12 cylinder engine
driving an Allison CD-850 transmission. In 1964 153 of the
original M103s were converted to the Continental AVDS-1790 12 cylinder
twin turbo gasoline engine, which was the same as that used on the M60
tank. This was designated the M103B2.
built M103 Heavy Tanks |
Model |
Number built |
Build Dates |
Comments |
T43/M103 |
300 |
1950-1953 |
187 |
1954-1955 |
Also built by Chrysler at
Newark, DE |
M48 |
~ 6,000 of 11,703 M48 tanks produced |
1952-1959 |
Serial Number: 690
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: AAF Tank Museum, Danville, VA
Date of Photo: 11-6-2015
Type: M103A2 diesel powered

Serial Number: 765
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: Public Library, Shively, KY
Date of Photo: 3-9-2017
Type: M103A2 diesel powered

The semi-elliptical shape of the front hull
originated with the M103, and was later carried over to the M48 Patton
tank series.

This configuration of engine bay indicates
this is the M103B diesel powered version of the tank.
Serial Number: Unknown
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: Chamber of Commerce, Radcliff, KY
Date of Photo: 3-9-2017
Type: M103 gasoline powered

This configuration of engine bay indicates this is the M103 or M103A1
gasoline powered version of the tank.

Serial Number: Unknown
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: Public Library, Euclid, OH
Date of Photo: 6-22-2017
Type: M103A2 diesel powered

Serial Number: Unknown
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: Army National Guard Armory, Dowagiac, MI
Date of Photo: 5-29-2017
Type: M103 gasoline powered
