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Chrysler built M3 Grant/Lee
Chrysler built M4 Sherman
Chrysler built M4A3 Sherman
Chrysler built M4A4 Sherman Photos
Detroit Tank Arsenal Photos
Chrysler Post WWII M60 Patton
Tank Photos
Chrysler Post WWII M103 Heavy Tank Photos
Chrysler T23 Tank Photos
Chrysler Built M4A4 Sherman Tank Photos
Built at the Detroit Tank Arsenal
This page updated 11-2-2022.
The M4A4 was just one of several types of
tanks that Chrysler Warren built during WWII. It was powered by the
Chrysler designed and built A57 multibank engine. Chrysler was the
only manufacturer of the M4A4. The M3, M4 and M4A3 were also included in Chrysler's tank output
during WWII.
The M4A4 can be identified by the protrusion for the radiator
behind the turret on the engine deck. There is also a wider spacing of the bogies
compared to the other types of M4 tanks, due to having to make room for
the radiator in the engine bay. All of the M4A4 tanks were small hatch.
Chrysler marked its serial numbers on the
rear towing eyelets. I have included photos of the serial number
for those M4A4s that I was able to photograph. In some cases the
paint was too thick over the numbers or was nothing legible. For
many there was no evidence of a serial number. For the remaining, the readability of the
numbers ranges from minimal to excellent.
Most of the M4A4 tanks were given to the
British. The US Army used some
for desert training at Fort Irwin, CA and in China and Burma.

The M4A4 Sherman tank is defined by the
Chrysler A57 multibank engine. Author's photo taken at Chrysler
Serial Number: 18108
US Registration Number:
Date Built: June 1943
Location: Patton Museum, Fort Knox, KY
Nickname: Storm
Date of Photo: 10-15-2016
This tank was previously used as a target in the United Kingdom
before coming to the Patton Museum, which accounts for all the pot marks
on it. The turret was from another tank on the range, and when the
turret was installed on the hull, the barrel was intentionally made to
look like it had blown up. Some docents at the Patton Museum will
say this tank is a D-Day combat veteran, and that a round exploded in
the barrel because it became too hot during a fire fight. This is
not true.

Note that the Patton Museum has
misidentified this as an M4A2. Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Note the wider spacing between the bogies.
Author's photo.

The air intake and the top of the radiator
and radiator cap. Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Serial Number: 18688
US Registration Number: 3018994
Date Built: February 1943
Location: Evansville Wartime Museum, Evansville, IN
Nickname: Cheyenne
Date of Photos: 10-29-2022
This M4A4(75) was put on display at the Museum on July 1, 2022.
It served with British forces under Lend-Lease and was marked T147946.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Serial Number: 21169
US Registration Number:
Date Built: June 1943
Location: Arnhem War Museum, Schaarsbergen
Date of Photo: 9-17-2016

Photo courtesy of David D Jackson, Jr.

Photo courtesy of David D Jackson, Jr.
Serial Number: 21424
US Registration Number: 3021730
Date Built: July 1943
Location: Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, CA
Nickname: Forceful III
Date of Photo: 6-26-2016

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

The serial number 21424 is plainly evident
on the tow lug. Author's photo.