The American Automobile Industry in World War Two
An American Auto Industry Heritage Tribute by David D Jackson

Overview      Lansing Michigan in World War Two   The U.S. Auto Industry at the Normandy Invasion, June 6, 1944    The U.S. Auto Industry and the B-29 Bomber   U.S. Auto Industry Army-Navy "E" Award Winners   The Complete listing of All Army-Navy "E" Award Winners   Sherman Tanks of the American Auto Industry   Tank Destroyers of the American Auto Industry    M26 Pershing Tanks of the American Auto Industry   M36 Tank Destroyers of the American Auto Industry   Serial Numbers for WWII Tanks built by the American Auto Industry   Surviving LCVP Landing Craft    WWII Landing Craft Hull Numbers   Airborne Extra-Light Jeep Photos  The American Auto Industry vs. the German V-1 in WWII   American Auto Industry-Built Anti-Aircraft Guns in WWII   VT Proximity Manufacturers of WWII   World War One Era Motor Vehicles   National Museum of Military Vehicles  
Revisions   Links

 Automobile and Body Manufacturers:  American Bantam Car Company   Briggs Manufacturing Company   Checker Car Company   Chrysler Corporation   Crosley Corporation   Ford Motor Car Company   General Motors Corporation   Graham-Paige Motors Corporation   Hudson
Motor Car Company   Murray Corporation of America   Nash-Kelvinator   Packard Motor Car Company      Studebaker    Willys-Overland Motors

General Motors Divisions:  AC Spark Plug   Aeroproducts   Allison   Brown-Lipe-Chapin   Buick   Cadillac   Chevrolet   Cleveland Diesel   Delco Appliance   Delco Products   Delco Radio   Delco-Remy   Detroit Diesel   Detroit Transmission   Electro-Motive   Fisher Body   Frigidaire   GM Proving Grounds   GM of Canada   GMC   GMI   Guide Lamp   Harrison Radiator   Hyatt Bearings   Inland   Moraine Products   New Departure   Oldsmobile   Packard Electric   Pontiac   Saginaw Malleable Iron   Saginaw Steering Gear   Southern California Division   Rochester Products   Ternstedt Manufacturing Division   United Motors Service   Vauxhall Motors

 Indiana Companies:  Bailey Products Corporation   Chrysler Kokomo Plant   Continental Steel Corporation  Converto Manufacturing    Cummins Engine Company   Diamond Chain and Manufacturing Company   Delta Electric Company   Durham Manufacturing Company   Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation   General Electric Kokomo Plant   Haynes Stellite Company   Hercules Body Company   Horton Manufacturing Company   Howe Fire Apparatus   International Machine Tool Company   J.D. Adams Company   Kokomo Spring Company   Magnavox  
Muncie Gear Works   Pierce Governor Company   Portland Forge and Foundry   Reliance Manufacturing Company-Kokomo Plant   Reliance Manufacturing Company-Washington Plant   Republic Aviation Corporation - Indiana Division   Ross Gear and Tool Company   S.F. Bowser & Co.   Sherrill Research Corporation   Sullivan Machinery Company   Tokheim Oil Tank and Pump Company   Ward-Stilson Company   Warner Gear   Wayne Pump Company   Wayne Works

Commercial Truck and Fire Apparatus Manufacturers:  American LaFrance   Autocar  
Biederman Motors Corporation   Brockway Motor Company   Detroit General   Diamond T   Duplex Truck Company   Federal Motor Truck   Four Wheel Drive Auto Company(FWD)   International Harvester   John Bean   Mack Truck   Marmon-Herrington Company   Michigan Power Shovel Company   Oshkosh Motor Truck Corporation   Pacific Car and Foundry   "Quick-Way" Truck Shovel Company  Reo Motor Car Company  Seagrave Fire Apparatus   Sterling Motor Truck Company    Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation   White Motor Company

Aviation Companies:  Abrams Instrument Corporation    Frankfort Sailplane Company   Hughes Aircraft Company   Kellett Aviation Corporation   Laister-Kauffman Aircraft Corporation   Naval Aircraft Factory   P-V Engineering Forum, Inc.    Rudolf Wurlitzer Company-DeKalb Division  Schweizer Aircraft Corporation   Sikorsky Division of United Aircraft Corporation   St. Louis Aircraft Corporation   Timm Aircraft Corporation

Other World War Two Manufacturers: 
Air King Products   Allis-Chalmers   American Car and Foundry   American Locomotive   American Stove Company   Annapolis Yacht Yard  
Andover Motors Company   Badger Meter Manufacturing Company   B.F. Goodrich   Baker War Industries   Baldwin Locomotive Works   Ben-Hur Mfg. Company   Blood Brothers Machine Company   Boyertown Auto Body Works   Briggs & Stratton   Burke Electric Company   Caterpillar   Cheney Bigelow Wire Works   Centrifugal Fusing   Chris-Craft   Clark Equipment Company   Cleaver-Brooks Company   Cleveland Tractor Company   Continental Motors   Cushman Motor Works   Crocker-Wheeler   Dail Steel Products   Detroit Wax Paper Company   Detrola   Engineering & Research Corporation   Farrand Optical Company   Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.   Firestone Tire and Rubber Company   Fruehauf Trailer Company   Fuller Manufacturing   Galvin Manufacturing   Gemmer Manufacturing Company   General Railway Signal Company   Gerstenslager Company   Gibson Guitar   Gibson Refrigerator Company   Goodyear   Hall-Scott   Hanson Clutch and Machinery Company   Harley-Davidson   Harris-Seybold-Potter   Herreshoff Manufacturing Company   Higgins Industries    Highway Trailer Corporation  Hill Diesel Company   Holland Hitch Company   Homelite Company   Horace E. Dodge Boat and Plane Corporation   Huffman Manufacturing   Indian Motorcycle   Ingersoll Steel and Disk   Iron Fireman Manufacturing Company   John Deere   Johnson Automatics Manufacturing Company   Kimberly-Clark   Kohler Company   Kold-Hold Company   Landers, Frary & Clark   Le Roi Company  Lima Locomotive Works   Lundberg Screw Products   MacKenzie Muffler Company   Massey-Harris   Matthews Company   McCord Radiator & Mfg. Company   Metal Mouldings Corporation   Miller Printing Machinery Company   Morse Instrument Company   Montpelier Manufacturing Company   Motor Products Corporation   Motor Wheel Corporation   National Cash Resgister Company   Novo Engine Company   O'Keefe & Merritt Company   Olofsson Tool and Die Company   Oneida Ltd   Otis Elevator   Owens Yacht   Pressed Steel Car Company   Pressed Steel Tank Company   Queen City Manufacturing Company   R.G. LeTourneau   Richardson Boat Company   R.L. Drake Company   St. Clair Rubber Company   Samson United Corporation   Schelm Brothers   Shakespeare Company   Sight Feed Generator Company   Simplex Manufacturing Company   Steel Products Engineering Company   St. Louis Car Company   Twin Disc Company   Victor Adding Machine Company   Vilter Manufacturing Company   Wells-Gardner   W.L. Maxson Corporation   W.W. Boes Company   Westfield Manufacturing Company   York-Hoover Body Company   York-Shipley, Inc.   Youngstown Steel Door Company  

 Baldwin Locomotive Works in World War Two
Eddystone, PA
Burnham, PA
Philadelphia, PA

This page updated 9-20-2022.

An American Auto Industry in World War Two Special Edition
The Baldwin Locomotive Works, like several other American manufacturers of steam locomotives, was picked by the U.S. Army to produce tanks and self-propelled guns during World War Two.  Because the tanks it produced were similar to those produced by Chrysler, Fisher Body, and Ford, and were used by many American tankers, Baldwin is being added to this website.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works plant in Eddystone, PA won the Army-Navy "E" award three times.
The Baldwin Locomotive Works plant, Standard Steel Division in Burnham, PA won the Army-Navy "E" award six times.

Baldwin Locomotive Works World War Two Products:  The Baldwin Locomotive Works had a total between its three plants of $562,285,000 in major contracts from government agencies.  Of the $536,612,000 in contracts at the main Eddystone plant, $238,755,000 was for locomotives for the U.S. Army.  This was 44.5% of the plant's total contracts.  Another $3,355,000 was for U.S. Navy locomotives, or 6.3% of the total contracts.  The U.S. Treasury Department also ordered $1,940,000 worth of locomotives which was 3.6% of the total contracts at the plant.  In total,  54.4% of Eddystone's contracts were for locomotives.  Table 2 shows the diversity of the types of products for the remaining 45.6% of the contracts.

Table 1 shows that the Burnham, PA factory produced mostly rail car and locomotive wheels.  Table 3 shows that the Philadelphia, PA factory made ship propellers for the war effort.

The following provides a few quantities of the many products the company made to help win World War Two:  72 diesel-electric locomotives; 2,505 light, medium, and heavy tanks; 1,015 tank retrieval vehicles including 67 conversions; 32 8-inch Navy Gun Mark VI M3A2 railway guns on a M1A1 Mount; 16 8-inch Navy Gun Mark VI M3A2 railway gun on a Barbette Mount; and a number of steam locomotives.

Table 1 - Baldwin Locomotive Work's Major World War Two Contracts - Burnham, PA Works
The information below comes from the "Alphabetical Listing of Major War Supply Contracts, June 1940 through September 1945."  This was published by the Civilian Production Administration, Industrial Statistics Division.  This table added 9-20-2022.
Product - Customer Contract Amount Contract Awarded Completion Date
Rollers Turret - Navy $146,000 11-1940 2-1942
Shafts  Steel - Navy $60,000 3-1941 5-1941
Circles Pinions Shafts - Navy $143,000 3-1941 10-1941
Steel - Foreign $167,000 4-1941 7-1941
Steel Castings  - Army $205,000 5-1941 1-1942
Forgings - Navy $138,000 5-1941 12-1941
Steel Castings - Army $373,000 7-1941 10-4192
Forgings - Navy $69,000 8-1941 10-1941
Ordnance Equipment - Navy $171,000 3-1942 10-1942
Ordnance Equipment - Navy $2,260,000 3-1942 7-1944
Steel Tires - Treasury $85,000 3-1942 9-1943
Steel Tires - Treasury $1,254,000 3-1942 9-1943
Steel Tires - Treasury $195,000 4-1942 9-1943
Steel - Treasury $64,000 6-1942 9-1943
Gun Carriage Castings - Army $160,000 8-1942 8-1943
Wheels - Treasury $90,000 8-1942 9-1943
Tires Steel - Treasury $261,000 8-1942 12-1942
Tires Steel - Treasury $1,367,000 8-1942 6-1943
Tires Steel - Treasury $950,000 8-1942 6-1943
Wheels Steel  - Treasury $806,000 9-1942 6-1943
Tires Steel - Treasury $98,000 9-1942 2-1943
Tires Steel - Treasury $177,000 9-1942 6-1943
Steel Tires -Treasury $58,000 2-1943 5-1943
Gun Forgings -  Navy $1,038,000 3-1943 7-1944
Tires Steel - Treasury $248,000 3-1943 10-1943
Training Circles - Navy $119,000 4-1943 1-1944
Steel Tires -Treasury $93,000 9-1943 12-1943
Steel Tires -Treasury $98,000 11-1943 1-1944
Steel Tires -Treasury $104,000 11-1943 3-1944
Steel Ry Wheel Tires - Treasury $837,000 12-1943 6-1944
Steel Ry Wheel Tires - Treasury $287,000 12-1943 6-1944
Steel Tires -Treasury $120,000 12-1943 3-1944
Steel Car Wheels - Treasury $90,000 1-1944 6-1944
Steel Car Wheels - Treasury $90,000 1-1944 6-1944
Gun Mount Parts Mk 32 - Navy $74,000 3-1944 7-1945
Forged Steel Axles - Treasury $90,000 4-1944 12-1944
Steel Locomotive Tires - Treasury $96,000 4-1944 10-1944
Steel Locomotive Tires - Treasury $62,000 5-1944 12-1944
Steel Tires -Treasury $882,000 6-1944 10-1944
Steel Tires -Treasury $77,000 6-1944 11-1944
Steel Tires -Treasury $187,000 6-1944 11-1944
Steel Tires -Treasury $173,000 7-1944 1-1945
Steel Forgings - Navy $68,000 7-1944 1-1945
Railway Car Wheels - Treasury $618,000 8-1944 7-1945
Locomotive Tires - Treasury $77,000 8-1944 2-1945
Locomotive Tires - Treasury $62,000 8-1944 2-1945
Steel Tires -Treasury $187,000 8-1944 4-1945
Steel Tires -Treasury $173,000 8-1944 4-1945
Steel Flanged Tires - Treasury $114,000 9-1944 6-1945
Ship Steering Gears - Maritime Commission $133,000 10-1944 1-1945
Tires - Treaury $179,000 12-1944 4-1945
Line Shaft Forgings - Maritime Commission $67,000 1-1945 6-1945
Ship Steering Gears - Maritime Commission $223,000 3-1945 9-1945
Flanged Steel Tires - Treasury $1408,000 6-1945 12-1945
Wheel Centers - Treasury $133,000 8-1945 12-1945
Total $17,763,000    


Table 2 - Baldwin Locomotive Work's Major World War Two Contracts - Eddystone, PA Works
The information below comes from the "Alphabetical Listing of Major War Supply Contracts, June 1940 through September 1945."  This was published by the Civilian Production Administration, Industrial Statistics Division.  This table added 9-20-2022.
Product - Customer Contract Amount Contract Awarded Completion Date
Tanks - Army $588,000 6-1940 7-1941
Tools Machine  - Foreign $115,000 6-1940 6-1940
Tools Machine  - Foreign $240,000 6-1940 12-4190
Presses Hydraulic - Navy $383,000 7-1940 1-1942
Tools Machine  - Foreign $429,000 7-1940 1-1941
Tools Machine  - Foreign $232,000 8-1940 1-1941
Gun Equipment - Navy $2,905,000 8-1940 5-1942
Tanks - Army $1,087,000 8-1940 7-1942
Medium Tanks M3  - Army $40,207,000 10-1940 3-1943
Medium Tanks M3  - Foreign $39,254,000 10-1940 9-1942
Machines Planing  - Navy $106,000 4-1941 2-1942
Shaftings Propeller - Navy $393,000 5-1941 11-1941
Generators - Navy $6,466,000 6-4191 5-1942
Bending Roll - Navy $138,000 6-1941 4-1942
Locomotives - Treasury $1,781,000 8-1941 5-1942
Medium Tanks M4A2 - Army $29,093,000 8-1941 4-1943
Tools Machine  - Navy $76,000 9-1941 5-1942
Machines - Navy $122,000 10-1941 4-1942
Carriages Barbette - Army $2112,000 10-1941 3-1943
Tools Machine  - Foreign $2,327,000 10-1941 12-1942
Locomotive -  Army $5,255,000 11-1941 2-1943
Machinery Propelling - Navy $5,160,000 1-1942 4-1944
Ordnance Material  - Army $241,000 1-1942 11-1942
Ordnance Material  - Army $854,000 1-1942 12-1943
Ordnance Material  - Army $125,000 1-1942 6-1942
Medium Tanks M4A2 - Army $26,394,000 1-1942 8-1944
Heavy Tanks  T1E2 - Army $17,320,000 1-1942 2-1944
Locomotives - Treasury $159,000 2-1942 9-1943
Tools Machine - Army $90,000 2-1942 7-1942
Tools - Army $193,000 2-1942 7-1942
Services - Army $75,000 2-1942 5-1942
Rolls Bending - Navy $131,000 2-1942 12-1942
Tools Machine - Army $76,000 2-1942 2-1943
Tools Machine - Navy $56,000 3-1942 8-1942
Medium Tanks M4A2 - Army $38,599,000 3-1942 12-1945
Generators - Navy $2,226,000 4-1942 8-1942
Locomotives - Army $236,000 4-1942 7-1942
Tools Machine - Army $89,000 4-1942 7-1942
Hydraulic Equipment - Army $2,289,000 4-1942 4-1945
Guns Mount  - Army $235,000 4-1942 11-1942
Engines Marine - Navy $249,000 5-1942 12-1942
Spare Parts - Army $129,000 5-1942 8-1942
Tools Machine - Army $270,000 6-1942 3-1943
Pumps - Army $57,000 6-1942 8-1942
Tracks Tank - Army $57,000 6-1942 9-1942
Locomotives - Navy $314,000 6-1942 2-1943
Gears - Steering $52,000 6-1942 12-1942
Tools Machine - Navy $65,000 6-1942 4-1943
Tools Machine - Army $1,608,000 6-1942 7-1943
Locomotives - Army $157,000 7-1942 3-1943
Locomotives - Army $7,616,000 7-1942 3-1943
Tools Machine - Army $769,000 7-1942 1-1944
Accumulators - Army $900,000 7-1942 5-1943
Gun Tubes - Army $1,198,000 7-1942 10-1943
Gun Mounts - Navy $4,664,000 7-1942 5-1944
Tools Machine - Navy $366,000 7-1942 1-1944
Steel Fabricated - Navy $118,000 9-1942 12-1943
Tools  - Machine $394,000 9-4192 11-1942
Locomotives - Army $395,000 9-1942 3-1943
Locomotives - Army $5,480,000 9-4192 3-1943
Locomotives - Army $1,522,000 10-1942 10-1942
Locomotives - Army $5,480,000 10-1942 4-1943
Tank Conversion - Army $9,037,000 10-1942 9-1944
Tools Machine - Navy $66,000 10-1942 8-1943
Machine Parts - Navy $88,000 10-1942 12-1942
Locomotive Parts - Army $311,000 11-1942 5-1943
Locomotives - Army $236,000 11-1942 11-1942
Locomotives - Army $3,711,000 11-1942 5-1943
Locomotive Parts - Army $201,000 11-1942 11-1942
Locomotives - Army $3,000,000 12-1942 5-1943
Diesel Marine Engines - Army $1,476,000 12-1942 12-1943
Fittings Pipe - Army $90,000 1-1943 10-1943
Vessel Equipment - Navy $155,000 1-1943 12-1943
Medium Tank Parts M3 - Army $9,463,000 1-1943 4-1944
Locomotives - Army $1,395,000 1-1943 6-1944
Steam Locomotives - Army $5,472,000 1-1943 3-1943
Steering Gear Parts - Navy $217,000 1-1943 12-1943
Locomotives - Army $79,000 1-1943 5-1943
Generator Sets - Navy $785,000 2-1943 2-1944
Locomotives - Army $8,391,000 2-1943 12-1943
Locomotives - Army $1,770,000 3-1943 11-1943
Locomotives - Army $2,838,000 3-1943 8-1943
Propellers - Navy $72,000 3-193 6-1943
Steam Platen Presses  - Treasury $120,000 3-1943 2-1944
Locomotives - Army $393,000 4-1943 5-1943
Tubes Gun - Army $531,000 4-4193 3-1944
Locomotive Parts - Army $133,000 4-1943 8-1944
Locomotives - Army $6,343,000 5-1943 6-1944
Locomotives - Army $11,031,000 5-1943 6-1944
Locomotives - Army $27,009,000 5-1943 6-1944
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $236,000 5-1943 10-1943
Bending Rolls - Navy $138,000 5-1943 5-1944
Hydraulic Presses - Navy $65,000 5-1943 1-1944
Steam Locomotives - Army $14,547,000 7-1943 12-1944
Steam Locomotives - Army $95,000 7-1943 12-1944
Steam Locomotives - Army $45,310,000 7-1943 12-1944
Diesel Locomotives - Army $79,000 7-1943 7-1943
Ship Steering Gears - Maritime Commission $2135,000 7-1943 10-1944
Diesel Locomotives - Army $236,000 8-1943 6-1944
Experimental Props - Army $60,000 8-1943 9-1944
Tapering Presses - Army $70,000 8-1943 12-1943
Bronze Ship Propellers - Army $1,372,000 8-1943 7-194
Diesel Engine Parts - Navy $98,000 8-1943 5-1944
Tapering Presses - Army $98,000 9-1943 12-1943
Ball Bearing Races - Navy $62,000 10-1943 12-1943
Diesel Generator Sets - Navy $1,967,000 10-1943 6-1945
Steering Gear Parts - Navy $100,000 11-1943 6-1945
Diesel Generator Sets - Maritime Commission 4,309,000 12-1943 11-1944
Ship Propul Systems - Navy $911,000 12-1943 7-1944
Plate Bending Rolls - Treasury $74,000 1-1944 6-1944
Plate Bending Rolls - Treasury $90,000 1-1944 4-1944
Locomotive Boilers - Army $449,000 2-1944 11-1944
Cooling Devices - Army $54,000 3-1944 5-1944
Catapults - Navy $168,000 4-1944 10-1944
Diesel Generator Sets - Maritime Commission 1,369,000 4-1944 3-1945
Electric Locomotives - Navy $157,000 5-1944 7-1944
Diesel Engine Parts - Navy $5,000,000 5-1944 6-1945
Diesel Engine Convern - Army $340,000 5-1944 9-1944
Hydraulic Presses - Army $198,000 6-1944 12-1944
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $711,000 6-1944 10-1944
Elevators Trucks - Army $75,000 6-1944 10-1944
Engine Oil Burners - Army $91,000 6-1944 6-1945
Throat Assemblies - Army $107,000 6-1944 9-1944
Hydraulic Press Parts - Army $50,000 7-1944 12-1944
Steam Locomotives - Army $11,825,000 7-1944 6-1945
Steam Locomotives - Army $3,183,000 8-1944 12-1945
Loco Wheels - Army $332,000 8-1944 9-1945
Tank Conversion - Army $3,117,000 9-1944 4-1945
Ship Propellers - Maritime Commission $152,000 9-1944 4-1945
Pipe Bending Presses - Navy $70,000 9-1944 8-1945
Diesel Generators - Maritime Commission $852,000 9-1944 3-1945
Diesel Generators - Maritime Commission $1,331,000 10-1944 3-1943
Bronze Ship Props - Maritime Commission $153,000 10-1944 11-1944
Diesel Locomotives - Army $3,450,000 10-1944 6-4195
Locomotives - Army $5,990,000 10-44 6-1945
Machine Tools - Treasury $243,000 10-1944 2-1945
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $316,000 10-1944 3-1945
Ship Steering Gears - Navy $57,000 11-1944 2-1945
Testing Machines - Navy $61,000 11-1944 12-1944
Testing Machines - Navy $68,000 11-1944 6-1945
Plate Bending Presses - Navy $128,000 11-1944 6-1945
Dynamometers - Navy $300,000 11-1944 6-1945
Pump Parts  - Treasury $50,000 11-1944 2-1945
Machine Tools - Treasury $168,000 11-1944 6-1945
Diesel Generator Sets - Treasury $1,250,000 11-1944 3-1945
Bronze Propellers  - Maritime Commission $112,000 11-1944 3-1945
Diesel Generator Sets - Maritime Commission $110,000 11-1944 12-1944
Steam Locomotives - Army $4,227,000 11-1944 7-1945
Diesel Locomotives - Army $314,000 12-1944 7-1945
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $418,000 12-1944 1-1945
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $316,000 12-1944 4-1945
Steel Shafting - Maritime Commission $59,000 12-1944 3-1945
Diesel Generator Sets - Maritime Commission $755,000 1-1945 8-1945
Locomotives - Army $8,831,000 1-1945 8-1945
Steam Locomotives - Army $28,600,000 1-1945 1-1946
Airplane Test Equipment - Army $136,000 1-1945 1-1946
Conveyors - Army $55,000 1-1945 4-1945
Locomotive Boilers - Army $439,000 1-1945 7-1945
Bronze Ship Props - Navy $770,000 2-1945 12-1945
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $314,000 2-1945 4-1945
Tank Conversion - Army $55,000 2-1945 5-1945
Tank Conversion - Army $2,818,000 2-1945 3-1946
Tank Conversion - Army $821,000 2-1955 8-1945
Steam Locomotives - Army $77,000 2-1945 3-1945
Steam Locomotives - Army $6,165,000 3-1945 1-1946
Track Turning Machines - Navy $53,000 3-1945 9-1945
Generator Sets - Army $1,453,000 4-1945 11-1945
Remfg Tank Pr Trains - Army $50,000 4-1945 12-1945
Bronze Props  - Maritime Commission $57,000 4-1945 7-1945
Hydraul Pump Motors - Treasury $162,000 4-1945 12-1945
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $415,000 4-1945 4-1945
Diesel Locomotives - Navy $158,000 4-1945 9-1945
Tank Conversions - Army $465,000 5-4195 6-1945
Hydraulic Presses - Treasury $126,000 5-1945 11-1945
Steam Locomotives - Army $8,017,000 6-1945 3-1946
Hull Machinery Pts  - Navy $117,000 6-1945 2-1946
Termination Charges - Army $110,000 8-1945 8-1945
Total $536,612,000    


Table 3 - Baldwin Locomotive Work's Major World War Two Contracts - Philadelphia, PA Works
The information below comes from the "Alphabetical Listing of Major War Supply Contracts, June 1940 through September 1945."  This was published by the Civilian Production Administration, Industrial Statistics Division.  This table added 9-20-2022.
Product - Customer Contract Amount Contract Awarded Completion Date
Propellers Boat - Maritime Commission 692,000 6-1941 5-1942
Propellers Boat - Maritime Commission 427,000 11-1941 5-1942
Propellers Boat - Maritime Commission 1,050,000 2-1942 3-1943
Propellers Fairwaters - Maritime Commission 1,922,000 4-1942 5-1943
Propellers Boat - Maritime Commission 3,819,000 1-1943 4-1942
Total 7,910,000    


Table 4 - Baldwin Locomotive Works Diesel Locomotives Built for the U.S. Military in World War Two
The information in this table is courtesy of ""
Quantity Type Locomotive Service
40 VO1000 U.S. Navy
26 VO1000 U.S. Army
6 VO660 U.S. Navy
Total = 72    


Table 5 - Baldwin Locomotive Works VO1000 Diesel Locomotives Built for the U.S. Military in World War Two
The information in this table is courtesy of ""
Baldwin Construction Number Build Date Military Service Military Number Location
64407 1-42 U.S. Army 7453 Gallup, NM
64413 7-42 U.S. Army 7454 Pueblo Army Depot, CO
64414 8-42 U.S. Army 7455 Atlanta, GA
64420 8-42 U.S. Army 7456 Marietta, GA
64421 8-42 U.S. Army 7457 Anniston, AL
64422 9-42 U.S. Navy 65-00071 USNAD - Burns City, IN
64423 9-42 U.S. Navy 65-00072 USNAD - Burns City, IN
64436 12-42 U.S. Army 7461 Ordnance, OR
64727 12-42 U.S. Army 7462 Romulus, NY
64728 12-42 U.S. Army 7463 Flagstaff, NY
64732 2-43 U.S. Navy 65-00429 Indiana Head, MD
64733 2-43 U.S. Navy 65-00033 Hawthorne, NV
64738 3-43 U.S. Navy 65-00072 Crane, IN
64739 3-43 U.S. Navy 65-00074 Crane, IN
64741 3-43 U.S. Army 7126 Memphis, TN
64742 3-43 U.S. Army 7464 Watertown, NY
64744 3-43 U.S. Army 7127 Anniston, AL
64745 4-43 U.S. Army 7128 Ogden, UT
67710 5-43 U.S. Army 7129 Rock Island, IL
67710 5-43 U.S. Army 7130 Fort Lewis, WA
67718 6-43 U.S. Army 7137 Romulus, NY
67719 6-43 U.S. Army 7138 New Boston, TX
67720 6-43 U.S. Army 7466 Columbus, OH
67726 6-43 U.S. Army 7139 Hill AFB, UT
67727 7-43 U.S. Army 7140 Kendia, NY
67738 8-43 U.S. Army 7467 Tullohoma, TN
67739 8-43 U.S. Army 7143 Anniston, AL
67737 8-43 U.S. Navy 65-00087 McAlester, OK
69659 10-43 U.S. Navy 65-00027 Earle, NJ
70102 4-44 U.S. Navy 65-00124 Earle, NJ
70290 12-44 U.S. Navy 65-00060 Bremerton, WA
70291 12-44 U.S. Navy 65-00059 Bremerton, WA
70292 12-44 U.S. Navy 65-00061 Bremerton, WA
70293 12-44 U.S. Navy 65-00058 Bremerton, WA
70856 5-44 U.S. Army 7225 Hanford, WA
70871 6-44 U.S. Army 7226 Fort Belvoir, WA
70885 7-44 U.S. Army 7227 New Brunswick, NJ
70886 7-44 U.S. Navy 65-00057 Bremerton, WA
71128 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00129 Earle, NJ
71129 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00126 Earle, NJ
71130 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00128 Earle, NJ
71524 11-45 U.S. Navy 65-00202 Cheatham Annex, VA
71525 9-45 U.S. Navy 65-00203 Cheatham Annex, VA
71738 3-45 U.S. Navy 65-00049 McAlester, OK
71739 4-45 U.S. Navy 65-00249 Schumaker, OK
71740 4-45 U.S. Army V-1800 West Oakland, CA
71745 4-45 U.S. Army V-1805 Oakland, CA
71748 4-45 U.S. Navy 65-00094 McAlester, OK
71749 5-45 U.S. Navy 65-00048 McAlester, OK
71753 5-45 U.S. Navy 65-00111 Port of Chicago, CA
71754 8-44 U.S. Navy 65-00112 Port of Chicago, CA
71940 8-44 U.S. Navy 65-00125 Earle, NJ
71968 10-44 U.S. Navy 65-00131 Earle, NJ
71969 10-44 U.S. Navy 65-00132 Earle, NJ
71970 10-44 U.S. Navy 65-00073 Crane, IN
71983 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00062 Bremerton, WA
71984 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00471 Bremerton, WA
71985 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00256 Stockton, CA
71986 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00110 Port of Chicago, CA
71987 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00032 Hawthorne, NV
71988 2-45 U.S. Navy 65-00031 Hawthorne, NV
72006 5-45 U.S. Navy 65-00075 Crane, IN
72034 8-45 U.S. Navy 65-00092 McAlester, OK
72035 8-45 U.S. Navy 65-00093 McAlester, OK
72040 9-45 U.S. Navy 65-00050 Schumaker, OK
72041 9-45 U.S. Navy 65-00095 Schumaker, OK


Table 6 - Baldwin Locomotive Works VO660 Diesel Locomotives Built for the U.S. Military in World War Two
The information in this table is courtesy of ""
Baldwin Construction Number Build Date Military Service Military Number Location
70324 12-44 U.S. Navy 65-00454 Hingham, MA
70325 12-44 U.S. Navy 65-00127 Earle, NJ
70326 12-44 U.S. Navy 65-00130 Earle, NJ
72002 4-45 U.S. Navy 65-00090 McAlester, OK
72003 4-45 U.S. Navy 65-00091 McAlester, OK
72004 5-45 U.S. Navy 65-00051 Fallbrook, CA

This is Baldwin construction number 70871 which was built in June 1944 for the U.S. Army.  It went to Fort Belvoir, VA.  Image added 8-18-2021. 

Baldwin construction number 64407 was built in January 1942 and went to Fort Wingate, NM.  Image added 8-18-2021.

 Table 7 - Baldwin Locomotive Works Tanks Accepted by Detroit Ordnance, US Army
The information below comes from "Summary Report of Acceptances, Tank-Automotive Material, 1940-1945."
Published by Army Services Forces, Office, Chief of Ordnance-Detroit, Production Division, Requirements and Progress Branch
January 21, 1946.
Type 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Total
Light, M2A4     10       10
Medium, M3   164 131       295
Medium, M3A2     12       12
Medium, M3A3     322       322
Medium, M3A5     591       591
Medium, M4(75)       1,190 43   1,233
Medium, M4A2(75)     12       12
Heavy, M6     1 7     8
Heavy, M6A1       12     12
Heavy, M6A2       16 4   20
Total 0 164 1,069 1,225 47 0 2,505

Author's Note and Disclaimer:  The Detroit Office of Ordnance of the U.S. Army was the primary purchasing entity for vehicles for the U.S. Army during WWII.  It also purchased vehicles for the USMC, US Navy, and for Lend-Lease.  However, there were other organizations that also purchased vehicles including the Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Air Force, U.S. Army Signal Corps, Navy Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, and foreign countries making direct purchases.

This Baldwin Locomotive Works-built M3A5 medium tank is on display at the General George Patton Museum of Leadership at Fort Knox, KY.  Author's photo added 9-20-2022.

This M3A5 is serial number 1355.  It has a counter weight on the end of the barrel to help counter balance the barrel.  Later tanks had a longer barrel, and the counter balance was not required.  Author's photo added 9-20-2022.  

This tank was previously on display at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD.  Currently, the tank is on outside display while it waits for a cosmetic restoration.  It will then go on display inside the museum.  Author's photo added 9-20-2022.

Author's photo added 9-20-2022.

Author's photo added 9-20-2022.

Author's photo added 9-20-2022.

This is M3 Lee tank Serial Number 1054 with a Grant turret.  It was built by Baldwin in November 1941.  Author's photo from the U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Benning, GA.

Author's photo. 

Author's photo. 

Author's photo.   

Author's photo. 

Author's photo. 

This M3A3 Lee Serial Number 1099 was manufactured by Baldwin in May 1942.  Author's photo from the U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection at Fort Benning, GA. 

Author's photo.

Author's photo. 

Table 8 - Baldwin Locomotive Works Tank Recovery Vehicles Accepted by Detroit Ordnance, US Army
The information below comes from "Summary Report of Acceptances, Tank-Automotive Material, 1940-1945."
Published by Army Services Forces, Office, Chief of Ordnance-Detroit, Production Division, Requirements and Progress Branch
January 21, 1946.
Type 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Total
Vehicle, tank recovery, M31 (gas)     10 499     509
Vehicle, tank recovery, M31B1 (diesel)     2 294     296
Vehicle, tank recovery, M32B1         29 151 180
Vehicle, tank recovery, M32A1B1 (Conversion)           37 37
Vehicle, tank recovery, T14E1 (Conversion)           30 30
Total 0 0 12 793 29 218 1,052

This M31B1 (diesel) Serial Number 81 was built by Baldwin in June 1943.  Author's photo from the U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection at Fort Benning, GA.

Author's photo. 

Author's photo. 

Author's photo. 

This M4A1(76)HVSS was built by Pressed Steel.  Baldwin then converted to the M32A1B1 tank retriever.  Author's photo from the U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection added 10-29-2019.  

Author's photo added 10-29-2019.  

Author's photo added 10-29-2019.  




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