The American Automobile Industry in World War Two
An American Auto Industry Heritage Tribute by David D Jackson

Overview      Lansing Michigan in World War Two   The U.S. Auto Industry at the Normandy Invasion, June 6, 1944    The U.S. Auto Industry and the B-29 Bomber   U.S. Auto Industry Army-Navy "E" Award Winners   The Complete listing of All Army-Navy "E" Award Winners   Sherman Tanks of the American Auto Industry   Tank Destroyers of the American Auto Industry    M26 Pershing Tanks of the American Auto Industry   M36 Tank Destroyers of the American Auto Industry   Serial Numbers for WWII Tanks built by the American Auto Industry   Surviving LCVP Landing Craft    WWII Landing Craft Hull Numbers   Airborne Extra-Light Jeep Photos  The American Auto Industry vs. the German V-1 in WWII   American Auto Industry-Built Anti-Aircraft Guns in WWII   VT Proximity Manufacturers of WWII   World War One Era Motor Vehicles   National Museum of Military Vehicles  
Revisions   Links

 Automobile and Body Manufacturers:  American Bantam Car Company   Briggs Manufacturing Company   Checker Car Company   Chrysler Corporation   Crosley Corporation   Ford Motor Car Company   General Motors Corporation   Graham-Paige Motors Corporation   Hudson
Motor Car Company   Murray Corporation of America   Nash-Kelvinator   Packard Motor Car Company      Studebaker    Willys-Overland Motors

General Motors Divisions:  AC Spark Plug   Aeroproducts   Allison   Brown-Lipe-Chapin   Buick   Cadillac   Chevrolet   Cleveland Diesel   Delco Appliance   Delco Products   Delco Radio   Delco-Remy   Detroit Diesel   Detroit Transmission   Electro-Motive   Fisher Body   Frigidaire   GM Proving Grounds   GM of Canada   GMC   GMI   Guide Lamp   Harrison Radiator   Hyatt Bearings   Inland   Moraine Products   New Departure   Oldsmobile   Packard Electric   Pontiac   Saginaw Malleable Iron   Saginaw Steering Gear   Southern California Division   Rochester Products   Ternstedt Manufacturing Division   United Motors Service   Vauxhall Motors

 Indiana Companies:  Bailey Products Corporation   Chrysler Kokomo Plant   Continental Steel Corporation  Converto Manufacturing    Cummins Engine Company   Diamond Chain and Manufacturing Company   Delta Electric Company   Durham Manufacturing Company   Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation   General Electric Kokomo Plant   Haynes Stellite Company   Hercules Body Company   Horton Manufacturing Company   Howe Fire Apparatus   International Machine Tool Company   J.D. Adams Company   Kokomo Spring Company   Magnavox  
Muncie Gear Works   Pierce Governor Company   Portland Forge and Foundry   Reliance Manufacturing Company-Kokomo Plant   Reliance Manufacturing Company-Washington Plant   Republic Aviation Corporation - Indiana Division   Ross Gear and Tool Company   S.F. Bowser & Co.   Sherrill Research Corporation   Sullivan Machinery Company   Tokheim Oil Tank and Pump Company   Ward-Stilson Company   Warner Gear   Wayne Pump Company   Wayne Works

Commercial Truck and Fire Apparatus Manufacturers:  American LaFrance   Autocar  
Biederman Motors Corporation   Brockway Motor Company   Detroit General   Diamond T   Duplex Truck Company   Federal Motor Truck   Four Wheel Drive Auto Company(FWD)   International Harvester   John Bean   Mack Truck   Marmon-Herrington Company   Michigan Power Shovel Company   Oshkosh Motor Truck Corporation   Pacific Car and Foundry   "Quick-Way" Truck Shovel Company  Reo Motor Car Company  Seagrave Fire Apparatus   Sterling Motor Truck Company    Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation   White Motor Company

Aviation Companies:  Abrams Instrument Corporation  Culver Aircraft Corporation    Frankfort Sailplane Company   Hughes Aircraft Company   Kellett Aviation Corporation   Laister-Kauffman Aircraft Corporation   Naval Aircraft Factory   P-V Engineering Forum, Inc.    Radioplane Company   Rudolf Wurlitzer Company-DeKalb Division  Schweizer Aircraft Corporation   Sikorsky Division of United Aircraft Corporation   St. Louis Aircraft Corporation   Timm Aircraft Corporation

Other World War Two Manufacturers: 
Air King Products   Allis-Chalmers   American Car and Foundry   American Locomotive   American Stove Company   Annapolis Yacht Yard  
Andover Motors Company   Badger Meter Manufacturing Company   B.F. Goodrich   Baker War Industries   Baldwin Locomotive Works   Ben-Hur Mfg. Company   Blood Brothers Machine Company   Boyertown Auto Body Works   Briggs & Stratton   Burke Electric Company   Caterpillar   Cheney Bigelow Wire Works   Centrifugal Fusing   Chris-Craft   Clark Equipment Company   Cleaver-Brooks Company   Cleveland Tractor Company   Continental Motors   Cushman Motor Works   Crocker-Wheeler   Dail Steel Products   Detroit Wax Paper Company   Detrola   Engineering & Research Corporation   Farrand Optical Company   Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.   Firestone Tire and Rubber Company   Fruehauf Trailer Company   Fuller Manufacturing   Galvin Manufacturing   Gemmer Manufacturing Company   General Railway Signal Company   Gerstenslager Company   Gibson Guitar   Gibson Refrigerator Company   Goodyear   Hall-Scott   Hanson Clutch and Machinery Company   Harley-Davidson   Harris-Seybold-Potter   Herreshoff Manufacturing Company   Higgins Industries    Highway Trailer Corporation  Hill Diesel Company   Holland Hitch Company   Homelite Company   Horace E. Dodge Boat and Plane Corporation   Huffman Manufacturing   Indian Motorcycle   Ingersoll Steel and Disk   Iron Fireman Manufacturing Company   John Deere   Johnson Automatics Manufacturing Company   Kimberly-Clark   Kohler Company   Kold-Hold Company   Landers, Frary & Clark   Le Roi Company  Lima Locomotive Works   Lundberg Screw Products   MacKenzie Muffler Company   Massey-Harris   Matthews Company   McCord Radiator & Mfg. Company   Metal Mouldings Corporation   Miller Printing Machinery Company   Morse Instrument Company   Montpelier Manufacturing Company   Motor Products Corporation   Motor Wheel Corporation   National Cash Resgister Company   Novo Engine Company   O'Keefe & Merritt Company   Olofsson Tool and Die Company   Oneida Ltd   Otis Elevator   Owens Yacht   Pressed Steel Car Company   Pressed Steel Tank Company   Queen City Manufacturing Company   R.G. LeTourneau   Richardson Boat Company   R.L. Drake Company   St. Clair Rubber Company   Samson United Corporation   Schelm Brothers   Shakespeare Company   Sight Feed Generator Company   Simplex Manufacturing Company   Steel Products Engineering Company   St. Louis Car Company   Tennant Company   Twin Disc Company   Victor Adding Machine Company   Vilter Manufacturing Company   Wells-Gardner   W.L. Maxson Corporation   W.W. Boes Company   Westfield Manufacturing Company   York-Hoover Body Company   York-Shipley, Inc.   Youngstown Steel Door Company  

Ford Overview   Ford Victory Pictorial   Ford M4A3 Sherman Tank Photos   Ford Highland Park Plant Photos 
Ford Motor Company WWII Production Database

Division Location Products Comments
Alexandria, VA Alexandria, VA   Sold to the US Government for war production.
Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA   Sold to the US Government for war production.
Brooklyn, MI Brooklyn, MI B-24 Bushings and Bearings.  Machining operations. Village Plant
Buffalo, NY Buffalo, NY   Leased to the US Government for war production.
Charlotte, NC Charlotte, NC   Sold to the US Government for war production.
Chester, PA Chester, PA (18,533) Jeeps.  (155,000) units were processed through the Chester Depot for shipment overseas. Also was an Ordnance Depot and Modification Center for armored vehicles being shipped overseas.  Won the "E" Award 5 times.  This consisted of 571,000 square feet and 61 acres which was the largest tank depot in the US.

In anticipation of the battle of El Alamein in North Africa the depot processed 600 US built tanks for shipment to the British Forces.  Accomplished in three weeks were the changing of all of the engines, armor plating and up grading the radio equipment.

In October of 1943 there were 5,441 employees at Chester

Chicago, IL Chicago, IL (2,126) M-8 Armored Cars, (3,791) M-20 Armored Cars This facility consisted of 66 acres and 708,000 square feet of plant area.  The 66 acres allowed for a track to test the armored cars on.
Clarkston, MI Clarkston, MI Gun Director- Machined parts.  B-24 Parts.  Jeep safety straps., Military Truck seat cushions Village Plant
Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH   Sold to the US Government for war production.
Dallas, TX Dallas, TX (93,748) Jeeps, (5,899) G8T Cargo Trucks, (314) GT8A Cargo Trucks  
Dearborn, MI Airport and Airframe Building Dearborn, MI B-24 Parts This facility had previously built the Ford Tri-Motor from 1924 -1931.  During WWII it also was the training facility for workers going to Willow Run.
Denver, CO Denver, CO   Leased to the US Government for war production.
Des Moines, IA Des Moines, IA   Sold to the US Government for war production.
Dundee, MI Dundee, MI Parts- P&W aircraft engines, tanks, military trucks, gun directors. Village Plant
Edgewater, NJ Edgewater, NJ (1,333) Jeeps, (71,350) G8T Cargo Trucks,  (5,951) GTB Cargo Trucks, (4,292) GTBS/B/C Bomb Trucks, (776) GTBA Service Trucks  
Flat Rock, MI Flat Rock, MI Lamps - Tanks, trucks, armored cars, universal carrier.  B-24 - Junction boxes Village Plant
Green Island, NY Green Island, NY Parts - P&W Aircraft engines, vehicles, P-1 aircraft generator, gun directors  
Hamilton, OH Hamilton, OH Parts - P&W Aircraft engines, B-24, Tool and Die  
Hayden Mills, MI Hayden Mills, MI Machined parts - B-24 Village Plant - Today this is known as Tecumseh, MI.
Highland Park, MI Highland Park, MI (1,690) M4A3 Tanks, (1,038) M-10A1 Tank Destroyers, (1,202) Gun Directors, (9,498) Squad Tents, Parts - P&W Aircraft engines  
Houston, TX Houston, TX   Leased to the US Government for war production.
Hydro Plant Willow Run, MI Fifty six Machined parts - B-24 Village Plant
Iron Mountain, MI Iron Mountain, MI (4,202) CG-4A Gliders, (87)CG-13A Gliders Awarded Army Navy "E" for excellence three times.
Kansas City, MO Kansas City, MO Parts - P&W Aircraft engines  
Lincoln Plant Southeast Michigan (26,979) Tank Engines, Dressing of B-24 engines, Jeep bodies from 1942 - 9-1943.  Manufacture of B-24 engine nacelles. Engines for the B-24 were received here from the engine manufacturer ( Buick in Melrose Park, IL and Chevrolet in Tonawanda, NY) and dressed for assembly into the aircraft at Willow Run
Long Beach, CA Long Beach, CA   Leased to the US Government for war production.  Used by Air Force between 1942 and 1945 as a supply base.  No Manufacturing.
Louisville, KY Louisville, KY (93,391) Jeeps, (1,442) GTBA Cargo Trucks, (2,750) GTBC Bomb Trucks  
Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA   The Ford Pico Rivera Plant, located in Los Angeles Country California, closed in February 1980. It produced a total of 1,400,000 automobiles in its lifetime. The site covered 157 acres. In 1982 the complex was purchased by Northrop Grumman, who developed the B-2 Bomber at the site. The site was closed and demolished in 2001.
Manchester MI Manchester MI (5,360) B-24 Instruments - Rate of Climb, ammeters.  Various assemblies. Village Plant
Memphis, TN Memphis, TN Parts - P&W Aircraft engines  
Milan, MI Milan, MI Parts - P&W Aircraft engines:  Ignition coils and cam plates;  Parts for trucks, jeeps and seeps. Village Plant
Milford, MI Milford, MI Eighteen Parts - P&W Aircraft engines; B-24 Parts - 170 types of bushings and spacers, CG-4A Glider parts, Truck parts. Village Plant
Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee, WI   Sold to the US Government for war production.
Nankin Mills Plant Westland, MI Tool and Die Village Plant
Northville, MI Northville, MI Sixty seven Parts - P&W Aircraft engines;  Rate of climb indicator Village Plant
New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA   Leased to the US Government for war production.
Newburgh Plant Livonia, MI Thirteen Machined Parts - P&W Aircraft engines; Village Plant
Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA   Sold to the US Government for war production but repurchased after WWII.
Omaha, NE Omaha, NE   Leased to the US Government for war production.
Phoenix Plant Plymouth, MI Vehicle Components:  Voltage Regulators, generator cutouts.  Wired junction boxes for the B-24 Village Plant
Richmond, CA Richmond, CA (49,399) Jeeps Also was an Ordnance Depot and Modification Center for armored vehicles being shipped overseas.
River Rouge Complex River Rouge, MI   The Rouge was a huge, self contained complex that included but was not limited to a steel mill with the associated rolling mill, an cast iron foundry and its own ore dock to receive the raw materials.  Within the complex were the plants below.
  Main Plant (26,017) Jeeps (includes 4,458 experimental vehicles before the GPW contract), (12,782) amphibious Jeeps (Seeps), (553,868) P&W cylinder heads, (2,411) Pulse jet engines, (52,276) GE Aircraft Engine Turbo Super Chargers, (26,979) V-8 Tank Engine Castings, 17,008 Aircraft Drop Tanks.    
  Armor Plate Plant Tank Hulls and turrets, Gun mounts.  Various military trucks and passenger car spare parts.  Armor plate for the Ford built M4A3 tank and M10A1 tank destroyer. This was constructed for use in WWII and it produced over 100,000 tons of steel that was fabricated into the parts at the left.
  Tire Plant (320,776) Jeep tubes and tires.  B-24 Components - Complete tail assembly, canopies, all landing gears, flaps.  Aircraft distributors, B-24, B-29  
  Engine Plant (57,851) R-2800 Aircraft Engines $23,000,000 Plant for production of PW Radial engines.  Awarded Army Navy "E" for excellence
  Ferguson (102,183) Ford Tractors The Ford Tractor would have been allowed production to make sure the farmers had equipment to produce the food needed to not only feed the civilian population but the military overseas.
Saline, MI Saline, MI Parts - P&W Aircraft engines, soybean oil for paint and plastics Village Plant
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA   Sold to the US Government for war production.
Sharon Mills, MI Sharon Mills, MI Truck Parts:  Light and starter switches, Generator armature windings Village Plant
Somerville, MA Somerville, MA (13,893) Universal Carriers (Bren Gun Carriers) For export to Britain
St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO   Sold to the US Government for war production.
St. Paul, MN St. Paul, MN (250) T17 Armored Cars, (6,397) M8 Armored Cars, Parts - P&W Aircraft engines Awarded Army Navy "E" for excellence.  This facility consisted of 200 acres and 844,000 square feet of plant area.  The 200 acres allowed for a track to test the armored cars on.
Waterford Plant Northville, MI Precision Gauges Village Plant
Wilcox Plant Plymouth, MI Tools for P&W engine production Village Plant
Willow Run, MI Willow Run, MI (6,790) B-24 Liberator Bombers, (1,894) B-24 Knock Down Kits (955) of the B-24 Knock Down Kits went to Douglas in Tulsa, OK and (939) to Consolidated Aircraft in Fort Worth, TX. 
Ypsilanti, MI Ypsilanti, MI (87,390) vehicle generators, Generators for gun director, P&W Aircraft engines, P-1 Aircraft Generators ((75,166) P-1 Aircraft Generators were built, possibly all at this plant) Village Plant - This plant later evolved into the electrical component plant for Ford.  Empty now, it can be seen on the north side of I-94 as one drives through Ypsilanti.  The plant won the coveted Army Navy "E" for excellence three times, which was an outstanding accomplishment.
Dagenham, England   13,942 tracked Vehicles (Bren Gun Carriers), (184,579) Wheeled Vehicles(2 & 4 wheel Drive), (137,483) Fordson Farm Tractors, (262,197) V-8 engines 34,163 Employees at VE Day between two UK Plants.
Trafford Park, Manchester, England   (30,000+) Rolls-Royce Merlin XX Engines  
Ford India   (64,216) 2-wheel vehicles, (45,213) 4-Wheel drive vehicles, (3,088) 6 Wheel vehicles, (9,876) misc vehicles, (11,614) civilian vehicles  
Ford Canada   (33,988) Bren Gun Carriers, (395,209) Total Vehicles (Assuming Bren Gun carriers are included in this number) 15,637 peak employment.  209,000 of the vehicles were Canadian Military Pattern Trucks.
Ford South Africa   (1,517) Passenger vehicles, (31,336) Trucks, (126) Station Wagons, (879) Light delivery Trucks, (1,011) various other vehicles  
Ford New Zealand   91,162) Special War Dept Vehicles, (3,611) Defense Trucks, (164) Staff Cars, (21) Fordson Tractors, (242) Misc. Vehicles, (1,117) Jeeps reconditioned after recovery from Pacific War Zone, (5,720,522) Hand Grenades, (1,205,400) Mortar Shells (Assembled and Filled), 1,165,103) Mortar Shells ( Filled), (1,140,174)Fuse 119 (Manufactured and Assembled), (1,140,174), 70,857 Aircraft Bomb Striker Head, (173,400) Fuse 152 Striker Head, (63,766) Fuse 152 Striker, (18,291) Transceiver Condenser Shaft, (15,019) Transceiver Condenser Clamp, (680) Aircraft Drogue Targets, (100) Aerodrome Windsocks, (12) Aircraft Wing Covers, (90) Aircraft Seat Covers, (175290) Grenade Boxes, (110) Naval Engines (Reconditioned)  




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