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Chrysler Built M4A3 Sherman Tank Photos
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The M4A3 was just one of several types of
tanks that Chrysler Warren built during World War Two. It was powered by the Ford GAA V-8 engine. Also included in its output at Warren were the M4
and M4A4.
Chrysler marked its serial numbers for the
M4A3 on the rear towing eyelets. I have included photos of the
serial number for those M4A3s that I was able to photograph. In
some cases, the paint was too thick over the numbers, or the numbers
were not legible. For many, there was no evidence of a serial
number. For the remaining, the readability of the numbers ranges from
minimal to excellent.
Both Chrysler at Warren, MI and Fisher Body at Grand Blanc, MI built the
large hatch M4A3 Sherman tanks starting in early1944 and continuing
until the end of World War Two. They were built in various versions.
The M4A3 tanks produced by the two companies are almost identical for
interchangeability in the field. It is nearly impossible to identify
which company built which tank. Almost. Each company added
differing welds on
either side of the transmission on the glacis, which allows one to
identify the manufacturer, if necessary. For
Chrysler the weld looks like a "C" on the left side and a backwards "C"
on the right.

The "C" for Chrysler weld can be seen just
to the left of the differential housing. A Fisher Body weld was
square shaped.

In many cases the M4A3s can be identified by
going to the Sherman Minutia Website, which has a great table of all
known Sherman tanks where the serial number has been identified.
The large hatch M4A3 became the preferred tank
of the US Army once it became available.

The Ford GAA V-8 defines the Chrysler M4A3
Sherman tank. Author's photo taken at the Ropkey Armor Museum.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 44908
US Registration Number: 3081
Date Built: March 1944
Nebraska National Guard Museum,
Seward, NE
Date of Photo: 9-8-2023
Date Photo added: 3-9-2024
Comments: This was originally built as a VVSS.

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 4496X
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: July 1944
Location: U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Benning, GA
Date of Photo: 9-19-2018
Date Photo added:
Comment: This is located at the northwest corner of Brave
Rifles Parade Field at Fort Benning. It was originally built as a

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 45124
US Registration Number: 30101358
Date Built: July 1944
Location: Missouri Army National Guard Armory, Pierce City, MO
Date of Photo: 5-25-2018
Date Photo added: 6-12-2018
Comments: This was
originally built as a VVSS.

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 45245
US Registration Number: 30101479
Date Built: July 1944
Location: Jefferson Barracks, St MO
Nickname: Might Mo II
Date of Photo: 9-17-2017
Date Photos added: 9-27-2017

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

452x5 is very readable. However, the x
could be a 1 or a 4. Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 45310
US Registration Number: 30101544
Date Built: August 1944
Location: First Division Museum, Wheaton, IL
Nickname: AH'M PISTOFF
Date of Photo: 9-25-2015
Comments: This was
originally built as a VVSS.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

The M4A3E8 has the distinctive "C"
identification weld on the glacis. Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 45460
US Registration Number: 30101694
Date Built: August 1944
Location: Russell Military Museum, Zion, IL
Date of Photo: 9-25-2015
Photo added: 10-11-2017
Comments: This was
originally built as a VVSS. The tank is sitting at the back of the
lot on a trailer with the engine out.

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 45472
US Registration Number: 30101706
Date Built: August 1944
Location: American Heritage Museum, Hudson, MA
Date of Photo: 6-14-2019
Photo added: 8-30-2019

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 58062
US Registration Number:
Date Built: October 1944
Location: Veterans Park, Harrodsburg, KY - This is on
US127-Business just north of the split with US-127. Some data
bases have this located at the VFW two miles to the south. There
is no tank of any type at the VFW. This tank originally
started life as a M4A3(105).
Date of Photo: 3-22-2017

Type: M4A3E8(105)
Serial Number: 58068
US Registration Number: 30111629
Date Built: October 1944
Location: WW2 Armor, Osteen, FL (Formerly at the Ropkey Armor Museum, Crawfordsville, IN)
Date of Photos: 8-16-2019, 3-15-2019, 9-21-2013

The WW2 Armor's M4A3(105) getting ready for
the Friday, August 16, 2019 reenactment at D-Day Conneaut 75 along Lake
Eire in Conneaut, OH.

The M4A3(105) "Fred" in action during
the reenactment.

The Sherman has been renamed "Fred" in honor
of the late Fred Ropkey, the previous owner. This is an operating
tank. Author's photo.

Author's photo.

This is a previous photo from the Ropkey
Armor Museum. The late Fred Ropkey was served as a tanker in the
USMC during Korea. Therefore this Sherman is painted in USMC
colors. Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 59894
US Registration Number: 3031757
Date Built: October 1944
Location: Patton Museum, Fort Knox, KY
Date of Photo: 10-15-2016, 10-2013
Comments: The Patton Museum was undergoing a change in
displays in 2016, which was not yet complete when I was there in October
2016. Full access to the tank was not available. The first
photo shows the Chrysler built M4A3E8(76) in its new location. The
second photo gives a better view of the tank its 2013 location.
The museum misidentifies this as an M4E8. The museum only has two
Sherman tanks left, and both have been misidentified. The M4A4
outside is identified incorrectly as an M4A2.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 59941
US Registration Number: 3031804
Date Built: October 1944
Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Date of Photo: 5-25-2018
Date Photo added: 6-7-2018

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 59964
US Registration Number: 3031827
Date Built: October 1944
Location: Rock Island Arsenal, IL
Date of Photo: 6-28-2019
Date Photo added: 8-30-2019
Comments: This Sherman has added armor in various places as
shown below along with several locations of anti-tank gun strikes noted
in yellow paint. According to the information placard at the tank,
this Sherman served with the 4th Armored Division, and was knocked out
of action in at the Battle of the Bulge which ended in January 1945.
However, research by Sherman experts indicate the added armor was not
installed on Shermans under General Patton's command until February
1945. In any case, the added armor shows the effort that was
expended in trying to give the tank and its crew enough armor to stop
German anti-tank weapons from penetrating the original armor.

The front glacis armor was taken from
another Sherman and welded right over the original glacis. The
M4A3(76) did not have the added armor plates over the ammunition storage
the Shermans like the earlier versions did. This was because the
ammunition storage in that area in the tank now had wet storage to
prevent fires. Apparently, the tankers did not feel that was
sufficient. There are actually two pieces welded on top of each
other on the side of the tank.

From this side it can be seen that added
armor was installed on the turret along with two heavy plates over the
ammunition storage area.

This photo shows the two plates welded on
top of each other over the ammunition storage area.

The armor on the turret was not as think as
the other added armor.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 60009
US Registration Number: 3031872
Date Built: October 1944
Location: West Point Visitors' Center and Museum, West Point, NY
Date of Photo: 8-12-2017
Date Photo added: 10-13-2017

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 60038
US Registration Number: 3031901
Date Built: October 1944
Location: U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Benning, GA
Date of Photo: 9-18-2018
Date Photo added: 9-26-2018

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 6004X
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: October 1944
Location: Georgia Veterans
Memorial State Park, Cordele, GA
Date of Photo: 9-17-2018
Date Photo added: 9-26-2018

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 60110
US Registration Number: 3031973
Date Built: November 1944
Location: AAF Museum, Danville, VA
Nickname: Carmen
Date of Photo: 11-6-2015
Comments: This does not have the muzzle brake attached, but
does show how it treaded on to the barrel of the 76mm main gun.

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 60478
US Registration Number: 3032341
Date Built: November 1944
Location: Renziehausen Park, McKeesport, PA
Date of Photo: 5-31-2017
Date Photo added: 6-18-2017

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

The right side of the tank has sunk into the
ground. Overall this display is need of some maintenance and
restoration work. It is in pretty sad shape. Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 60558 - While I was only able to photograph the last
three digits of the serial number, it had previously been identified as
60558 by other sources.
US Registration Number: 3032421
Date Built: December 1944
Location: National Guard Museum Annex, Lawrenceburg, NJ
Date of Photo: 6-1-2018
Date Photo added:
Comments: This Chrysler built Sherman was previously located
at the Flemington, NJ, NG Armory, and then the American Legion in
Flemington. When it arrived at Lawrenceburg the tank was filled
with rocks that children had put in it while on display at Flemington.
Currently it is inside the NJ National Guard's motor pool, and takes
previous arrangements to be escorted out to see it. The morning I
was there it was really foggy.

The last three digits of the serial number
can be seen on the left rear tow hook; 558.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61079
US Registration Number: 30114101
Date Built: December 1944
Location: U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Benning, GA
Date of Photo:
Date Photo added:

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61178
US Registration Number:
Date Built: December 1944
Location: American Legion Post 165, Wolcott, CT
Date of Photo: 8-12-2017
Date Photo added:

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61180
US Registration Number:
Date Built: December 1944
Location: Monessen City Park, Monessen, PA
Date of Photo: 5-31-2017
Date Photo added: 6-18-2017
Comments: This M4A3 sits part way up the hill in the city park
among the trees. It is a very picturesque setting for it.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61216
US Registration Number:
Date Built: January 1945
Location: Ropkey Armor Museum, Crawfordsville, IN
Date of Photo: 9-21-2013
The Ropkey Armor Museum closed permanently
on 7-31-2017. This tank was sold to a private collector in KY.

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61312
US Registration Number:
Date Built: January 1945
Location: VFW Post 6542, Barnesville, GA
Date of Photo: 9-17-2018
Date Photo added:
Comments: There are no markings on the tank.

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61430
US Registration Number:
30114448 is painted on the tank. This is incorrect for the serial
number, which should be 30114452 to match serial number 61430.
Date Built: January 1945
Location: Liberty Aviation Museum, Port Clinton, OH
Nickname: Thunderbolt
Date of Photo: 5-14-2021
Date Photo added:
Comments: This tank is owned by the Allen County Historical
Society in Lima, OH. Due to space restrictions in the museum, it
was stored at a nearby refinery until the storage space was lost.
It was moved to the Liberty Aviation Museum in 2019. This works
out very well, as now the public can see this excellent restoration.

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61704
US Registration Number:
Date Built: February 1945
Location: PA Army National Guard Armory, Chambersburg, PA
Nickname: Adam
Date of Photo: 6-1-2017
Date Photo added:
Comments: The correct registration number is on the tank.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: 61969
US Registration Number:
Date Built: February 1945
Location: U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort
Benning, GA
Date of Photo: 9-19-2018
Date Photo added:

Type: M4A3E8(105)
Serial Number: 64078
US Registration Number: 30120275
Date Built: December 1944
Location: Russell Military Museum, Zion, IL
Date of Photo: 9-25-2016

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(105)
Serial Number: 65407
US Registration Number: 30124788
Date Built: January 1945
Location: VFW Post 5096, Custer, MI
Date of Photo: 8-1-2016

Author's photo.

Author's photo.
Type: M4A3E8(105)
Serial Number: 72912
US Registration Number: 30136744
Date Built: March 1945
Location: U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Benning, GA
Date of Photo: 9-18-2018
Date Photo added:

Type: M4A3E8(105)
Serial Number: 73235
US Registration Number: 30137067
Date Built: April 1945
Location: Veterans Park, South Holland, IL
Date of Photo: 12-2-2017

Type: M4A3E8(105)
Serial Number: 74247
US Registration Number: 30140637
Date Built: April 1945
Location: First Division Museum Maintenance Shop, Wheaton, IL
Date of Photo: 6-27-2019
Comments: This tank was acquired by the First Division Museum
from the American Heritage Museum in Hudson, MA in trade for a restored
LCVP. Once obtained, the Sherman was found to be too heavy to
operate on the trails in the park where the First Division Museum is
located. When photographed, Serial Number 74247 was in the midst
of a trade with Frank Buck of Gettysburg, PA for an M5 Stuart tank.

Type: M74 Armored Recovery Vehicle - This was originally built as
an M4A3E8(105)
Serial Number: 73362
US Registration Number: 30137194
Date Built: April 1945
Location: U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Benning, GA
Date of Photo: 9-18-2018
Date Photo added:

Type: M4A3E8(75)
Serial Number: Unknown
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: Museum of American Armor, Old Bethpage, NY
Date of Photo: 5-30-2018
Date Photo added: 6-12-2018
Author's Note: On May 30, 2018 the Museum of American Armor
was hosting an event in its building that evening. While I was
there many of the pieces of equipment were moved outside to make room
for the event. Two of the photos shown below were taken inside
under the lights while two were taken under the mid day sun, giving two
different hues to the Sherman depending on the light.

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: Unknown
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: National Guard Armory, Lamar, MO
Date of Photo: 5-25-2018
Date Photo added: 6-7-2018

Type: M4A3E8(76)
Serial Number: Unknown
US Registration Number: Unknown
Date Built: Unknown
Location: VFW 2174, Westville, NJ
Date of Photo: 9-22-2016

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

The M4A3E8 has the distinctive Chrysler "C" identification weld on the
glacis. Author's photo.