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Chrysler built M3 Grant/Lee
Chrysler built M4 Sherman
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Detroit Tank Arsenal Photos
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Chrysler Built M4 Sherman Tank Photos
Built at the Detroit
Tank Arsenal
This page updated 9-27-2018.
The M4 was just one of several types of tanks
that Chrysler Warren built during WWII. It is powered by a Continental
radial R-975 aircraft engine. The M3, M4A3 and M4A4A were also included in Chrysler's tank output
during WWII.

The Continental R-975 is the engine that
defines the M4 Sherman tank. Author's photo taken the Ropkey Armor

Author's photo.
Serial Number: 44272
US Registration Number: 30100506
Date Built: September 1943
Location: Historic Fort Wayne, Detroit, MI
Date of Photo: 8-25-2013
This is an M4 composite, where the front glacis has been replaced by
a cast piece. This was to cut weld time, as a large percentage of the
welding time was on the front glacis. The rest of the tank is
welded. This is a one-of -a-kind prototype with the first 105mm gun
installed. The rest of the 105mm M4 tanks were all welded
construction. All of the remaining M4s composites were equipped with 75mm main guns.

This photo was taken by the author at
Historical Fort Wayne in Detroit, MI.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

The weld line between the front cast glacis and the sheet steel can be
seen. Author's photo.

The short barrel of the 105mm howitzer is
evident in this photo. Author's photo.
Serial Number: 58255
US Registration Number: 30111816
Date Built: September 1944
U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Benning, GA
Date of Photo: 9-18-2018
Date Photos added: 9-27-2018

Chrysler built 105mm
